About the Data at CBS

At the server of CBS microdata is available to you. Depending on the project, you may also have access to General Practitioner Data.

We strongly recommend researchers review the codebook for guidance. Additional information on challenges and potential solutions can be found here.


To analyse data within the external environment at CBS, there are only 4 drives of interest, namely the F, G, H and K drive. These drives are explained below.

Export Used exclusively for exporting aggregated results. More details can be found here.
Data Contains all microdata files accessible to researchers. Files accessible to you are listed in the codebook. Contact the ELAN data manager to request access to additional data.
Analysis This Shared Workspace is where all active researchers perform their analyses. Each researcher has a personal directory. TO optimise storage, delete unecessary files and zip files for short-term storage. Some project data, such as general practicioner data, is stored here.
Metadata Houses metadata that explains the data on the G drive. Familiarise yourself with these files first, or visit this link.

Data availability

Researchers have access to various data sources within the CBS external environment. Some data is provided by Statistics Netherlands. The Dutch data catalogue can be found here, though not all files are available for every project. The codebook lists accessible files for each project.

For access to additional files, contact datamanager Frank Ardesch. Note that new data from hospitals, The Hague municipality, and general practitioners are uploaded at the beginning of each calendar year. The update frequency for external data sources such as Perined, Parnassia, GGD, and Hadoks has not been established.