Exporting data from the external environment
Data available in the external environment cannot be exported in its raw form. However, aggregated (intermediate) results can be exported after obtaining approval from CBS Microdata. CBS will review the output to ensure it adheres to their quality standards, confirming that the results cannot be traced back to individuals.
Each request for output incurs a fee. Since CBS does not charge per file, we encourage researchers within the same project to consolidate their (intermediate) results into a single request to minimise costs.Exporting Code
You may also export your code (referred to as “syntax” by CBS) from the environment at any time. Code reviews are free of charge. Upon completing your analysis, export as much of your code as possible to promote open science and assist other researchers facing similar challenges.
Detailed guidelines on output preparation and the export process for data and code can be found here.
Review duration
It is recommended to initiate the export process at least one week before your deadline. CBS requires three working days to review output and may provide feedback that must be addressed before export is approved.
What next?
Once you have received your final output and no longer require access to the external environment, contact the data manager. They will request you to archive all your code in a zipped file and coordinate with CBS to deactivate your account.